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About us

Our Beliefs

"Death is the final stage of growth in this life. There is no total death. Only the body dies. The self or the spirit, or whatever you may wish to label it, is eternal. You may interpret this in any way that makes you comfortable."

 - Elisabeth Kübler-Ross


We believe in this quote so our goal is to offer the best celebration, gathering families and friends, for this important phase of life. We will organize events during the year to help the spirit and the soul find their way because we believe the spirit and the soul will continue it's journey onward.


Life Celebration is a project inspired by The Capsula Mundi project.


‘’In a culture far removed from nature, overloaded with objects for the needs of daily life and focused on youth, death is often dealt with as a taboo. We believe that this unavoidable passage, so meaningful, is not the end, but the beginning of a way back to nature.’’ Inspired by these reflections, the Capsula Mundi creators decided to redesign the coffin - an object entirely left out of the design world - using ecological materials, and laic and universal life symbols, such as the egg and the tree. 


Based on their concept, we decided to create our own version of the green cemetery, using an already existing forest and its trees as markers that replace the traditional cold tombstone.

our concept


Capsula Mundi

Capsula Mundi, the creators of the biodegradable urn that we wish to use for our green concept, believe that ‘’the biological life cycle and its transformations are the same for every living being. Capsula Mundi wants to emphasize that we are a part of Nature’s cycle of transformation. This universal concept goes beyond cultural and religious traditions. Only a tree, a symbol of the connection between the sky and the earth, will mark the resting place of the deceased. As clients choose a tree to mark their final resting place, the forest will become a green cemetery, free of the architectural motifs that mark today’s memorial grounds. Like Capsula Mundi’s vision, our ‘’cemetery will be transformed into a place of nature, one where families can stroll and learn about the natural world, where communities will come together’’ to celebrate the lives of loved ones. 


The Capsula Mundi Urn, containing your loved ones ashes will be buried as a seed in the earth. The urn is made from a bio-polymer that is fully biodegradable and compostable over time. Over time, the ashes will become part of the soil which nurtures the tree. The tree will serve as a memorial for your love one and as a legacy for the future of our planet. Family and friends can continue to care for the tree through the years as it grows. A hole, no less than three foot in depth will be prepared and the friends and families can create their custom celebration of life ceremony. 


CLIENTS are already making their arrengements to use our green cemetery as a final resting place. They are relieved to have everything ready for their loved ones and to know that their body will return to the earth in the most natural way. 


or endless AVAILABLE TREES. The beauty of our concept is that we will never run out of space as the urns are biodegradable. Through this initiative, this land will be preserved indefinitely. ‘’In short, it will become a sacred forest.’’


 As they explain, ‘’presently, to make a coffin, a tree must be cut down. The coffin has a short life cycle and a strong environmental impact. A tree takes between 10 and 40 years to reach maturity and the coffin is of use for just three days!’’ We want to preserve trees instead of cutting them down! '’Furthermore, Capsula Mundi urns are made from biodegradable material and come from seasonal plant.’’

Our Team


Monique Saulnier and Renelle Allain, the founders, have a vision to create a green forest cemetery using biodegradable urns that will reduce pollution for generations to come. They want the experience to be as beautiful and peaceful as possible for the families and friends. With their impact in the community, their knowledge, their compassionate and human approach, they are excellent in leading this initiative.


Monique Saulnier is motivated by learning! She feels lucky to have been a teacher and to be now working for the department of Education and Early Childhood Development. She is a happy wife and a mom to two bright young men. She has an interest in holistic medicine and self-healing and lives life to the fullest with the belief that death is an important stage of growth in this life.


Renelle Allain is a serial entrepreneur with a background in education, in the hair industry and the tech world, who also dreams of making a positive impact in her community. Currently, she resides in the Cocagne area with her partner. When they can, they like to travel or spend time in the forest at their family camp.

Founders Monique Saulnier and Renelle Allain, visionaries behind Green Cemetery New Brunswick

What Our Families Say

“I am happy to know this service exists because I did not relate to traditional ceremonies in my area. To know we can have this beautiful final resting place is a great step forward for our community"

Anonymous - Anonyme

Contact us for a natural final resting place



965 Renauds Mills Road

Renauds Mills




Mailing Address: 

104 girouardville road unit 1

Bouctouche nb

E4S 3G8

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